
Stop Avoiding and Start Preparing for High-Stakes Conversations: The ConflictBuster

This is another in our series of previews of the material inside our knowledge base. We have mindset material to help owners, managers and mentors understand key concepts and communicate them effectively to their Teams; Team-facing training material that directly shares important knowledge and expectations; and hands-on tools like conversation scripts, meeting agendas, decision trees, worksheets, and other methods to help you organize information and triage your ongoing process toward change and growth.


“The person who says they know what they think but cannot express it usually does not know what they think.”  —Mortimer J. Adler, “How to Read a Book”


The Conflict Buster helps you process a situation into an outline for a conversation and a group of lists to help you execute that conversation as effectively as possible. 

I'll say before you read this that often just beginning this exercise is enough to get you to pick up the...

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Shaking the Cheek

This is another in our series of previews of the material inside our knowledge base. We have mindset material to help owners, managers and mentors understand key concepts and communicate them effectively to their Teams; Team-facing training material that directly shares important knowledge and expectations; and hands-on tools like conversation scripts, meeting agendas, decision trees, worksheets, and other methods to help you organize information and triage your ongoing process toward change and growth. 

Dr. MacInnis always practiced under the assumption that if you weren’t getting unsolicited compliments on your needle technique, you weren’t doing it right. The cheek-shaking technique was how he earned those unsolicited compliments. He counted it among the items the success of his practice was built on. In the Growth Platform, we’ve enshrined it as an Effective Action in Dentist’s 4Blocks. We include a video to show not only the technique with the...

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